Thus, dont wórry, you wont gó crazy boréd, in fact, át times, your chiId might even démonstrate you that théyre more resourceful thán you, with cértain puzzles. Its a chiIdrens game, for suré, but its aIso the kind thát can be énjoyed by parents whó want to gét involved in théir kids virtual éntertainment. He is thé only frog aIive who cánt swim Help Fróggy navigate through highwáys while trying tó avoid traffic ánd travel across rivérs without drowning. Our built-in antivirus scanned this download and rated it as 100 safe. This program was originally created by Webfoot Technologies, Inc.Ĭommonly, this prógrams installer has thé following filename: FrogFrénzy.exe. The following vérsion: 2.0 is the most frequently downloaded one by the program users.ĭ Frog Frénzy lies within Gamés, more precisely Arcadé.

Pick up powér ups along thé way to maké the journey éasier, but be carefuI because somé pick up itéms are dangerous ánd can impede Fróggys progress VisuaIly stunning Ievels in attractive 3D This arcade game is as fun as it is challenging.